Welcome to HarePoint Analytics (SaaS)

Powered by Microsoft Power BI HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint Online provides essential information about user behavior, document flow, sites performance and popular trends throughout the entire corporate network.

Administrators can find valuable information about sites’ usage and improve the architecture by studying visitors’ searches, sites with no visits, sites flooded with unused files and unusual activities on sites.

Administration Area

Sign in with your Microsoft work and school account to access the administration area. A global or SharePoint administrator role in the Active Directory is required.

Sign in

Try with Sample Data

Install the Power BI app from Microsoft AppSource and explore all available features using the sample data.

Trial with Your Data

Explore the solution using live data from your tenant.

Follow the Quick Start Guide to start the free 30-day trial.

Schedule Live Demo

See how you can boost your SharePoint productivity by understanding user engagement.

Request a demo from our experts.